In the Dark of the Valley
Animator and Colourist for Documentary Feature Film In the Dark of the Valley.
A group of mothers discover that the Santa Susana Field Laboratory was the site of one of the largest nuclear accidents in United States history; and may have exposed their children and their community to cancer-causing hazardous waste. I worked with Animation Director Elyse Kelly, animating and colouring the final animated section of the film.
Director Nicholas Mihm
Producers Nicholas Mihm, Lisa Rudin, Brandon Scott Smith, Derek S. Smith
Animation Director Elyse Kelly
Art director Naghmeh Farzaneh
Storyboard Artists Naghmeh Farzaneh, Anna Bron
Animators Anna Bron, Marta Lemos, Hannah McNally
Graphic Design & Animation Dorca Musseb
Concept Art Victoria Blair